Books & Training Articles for Correctional Officers & Prison Workers
Educational and Awareness Material for those interested in working inside adult prison systems
My Books Available on the web

Author and Retired Deputy Warden
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Monday, June 6, 2016
Monday, April 25, 2016
Why the Future Does Need Correctional Officers
First of all, let us assume that
technology today will be successful in developing intelligent machines that can
do most things better than human beings can do them and run with that concept.
In this general assumption, there is no doubt that much of prison management
will be done by highly sophisticated infra-structures or systems of machines
with minimal human effort. In theory, some of these machines will be permitted
to make all of their own decisions without human oversight and others will
require some kind of human control over the machines retained or designed to
perform certain tasks, duties and responsibilities.
Naturally, if the intelligent
machine is permitted to make all their own decisions, it us much too early to
make any guesses or conjectures how that would impact running a prison as it is
too early to predict such results. We can, however, point out that it will be
humans depended on machines how things turn out with or without human
intervention. How we turn over such power to the machines and relieve humans of
such tasks voluntarily will depend on how efficient machines can do the job as
a correctional officer.
In some cases, I can predict the
machines will work themselves into ‘drift’ positions as not all tasks are
compatible with machine made decisions. Hence we are developing a conflict
between machine made decisions and those of man-made origins. At what stage of
this process do we allow machines to effectively take control and power from
the humans and simultaneously provide the necessary decisions and actions to
assure making good decisions.
At what level or stage will the
machines will be in effective control. Management principles writing the rules
on such decision-making won’t be able to just turn the machines off, because
turning them off would amount to suicide of their designed capabilities and
cause a systems failure in whatever area they are poised to perform. How
effective machines become will determine the ratio of men versus machine
development and deployment factors. It is suspect that in due time, due to
improved techniques the choice of using machines, will have greater control
over the masses; and because human work will no longer be necessary the masses
will be unessential rather than essential and become a useless burden on the
Machines as shepherds, guardians or
controllers over the prison populations would please those who want prisons to
be punitive, rigid, harsh and toxic without deviation or alternatives for human
incapacities or disabilities. It would be near impossible to satisfy under most
humanoid psychologically hygienic conditions. These machines would have to be
designed to have or possess a wide-range of biologically or psychologically
engineered abilities. If this was done successfully, human would be reduced to
the status of domestic animals rather than intelligent useful and purposeful
Thus it becomes important to
evaluate how these intelligent machines make decisions and what draws this
capacity into a resolution when faced with problems with other humans, not
machines. Any wrongful inputs or programming would result in unintended
consequences, consequences that could be cold, and criminally susceptible in
actions or deeds.
The industry would serve public
safety better if they are compelled to address and confront this matter before
such machines are installed to replace correctional officers. Contrary to
common myths and beliefs, prison systems involving the business of managing people
is very complex and involves various interactions that are often, difficult to
predict, even for humans. A machine would react on the highest probability rate
or assessment rather than take into account any exceptions.
Today, our most powerful technologies
- robotics, genetic engineering, and
nanotech – are threatening to make human correctional officers, an endangered
species. The one factor we need to keep in mind is that machines do not have
the capacity to be conscious. Certainly, the way technology is rapidly growing,
and with the current rate of improvements, we will accelerate the relationship
between human prisoners and robotic machines overseeing prison operations and
programs. Without a doubt, there will be implementations of robots fused or
joined with humans to create a workforce inside prisons.
How well
this partnership uses these powers to reshape the prison world should be based
on realistic and imminent scenarios to give them a high predictability of
making the right decisions most of the time. however, morally and legally,
these wouldn’t be ordinary predictions. They would have to calculate every
factor of a situational assessment that surpasses any schematic or blueprint of
human behaviors.
The more
information there is gathered, the more the uneasiness is intensified with
relative serious consequences and dangers. One could guess there is a high
probability of a bad outcome in such encounters. Taking the fact that prisons
do experience various ‘out of control’ situations, it is a grave concern how
such machines would act with it comes to terms with threats or dangers
different from what they are programmed for. In some cases, machines could in
fact, escalate the dangers by exercising their own ‘out of control’ measures to
offset the prison situation. This creates a pure antagonistic situation that
would be hard to resolve without first inflicting serious harm to people or
structures designed to provide public safety and secure environments. In some
cases, the machines would have to be simply shut down to avoid escalating the
problems or increasing the matter at hand to a greater risk.
A machine
does not possess a conscious. Therefore, it has no fear, no sense of mortality
and no ability to compromise. It just does whatever it is programmed to do; it
could become more powerful and more aggressive in behavior that could pose an
enormous threat to the entire environment. For machines to match our molecular
level consciousness, it would need to consider structures of relevance in the
environment, relationships and other core values that encompass the social,
physical, intellectual, spiritual, sexual and material aspects of the human
mind. in humans.
These core
values are deeply engrained, and engender a great amount of sub-actions for
decision making capabilities. Without proper guidance of these deliberate
programed intentions, we have not only intelligent machines to operate and take
care of our prison population but we also have innumerous amounts of robots
that contain the knowledge-enabled mass-destruction (KMD) capacity simply
amplified by the number of robots assigned to do the job on every shift.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Building or Preserving your Reputation
or Preserving your Reputation
Hypocrisy is at its
highest today and it’s not going away. Everything you say or do has the
potential of ending up being posted on the web. Who we are is what others hear
or see. To some extent, you need to be sure your image, character and
reputation remain intact and display or show a visible character trait you are
comfortable with while suppressing any negative images of your character or
brand. Remember today, your agency human resources might be tracking your
conduct online.
This requires you to be
aware of your name or images on the web through careful monitoring of all
searches on the internet. Be careful on releasing personal or financial
information. Don’t let search engines betray your efforts to preserve your
character or reputation on line as well as in the social circles you are
engaged in. Although technology has made it nearly impossible to hide on the
internet, how you are perceived is controlled by your own actions and posting regular
positive content rather than the negativity that thrives on controversies or
character assassinations.
Keeping your private
information away from others to see is entirely up to how you surf and use the
web. What you publish, increases your visibility so the more you post, the more
people get to know you and your values. Keep this under control if you want to
remain semi-private in your personal life and not interfere with your workwise
related events. The best advice to give is to not post anything on social
media, but as it stands today, this form of media influences many decisions how
we act or think in public or otherwise. How you act in private is defined by
your activities online.
To begin this process,
you need to assess or evaluate your current reputation or image online or in
searches using your full name, address and other key phrases that associate or
link you to other sites. Once you have assessed your current online reputation
and have a firm strategy in place, you can easily take control and manage the
way you are seen on the internet.
The best method to get
rid of the negatives is to delete whenever possible but remember, deleting
information does not guarantee it from disappearing somewhere else as a matter
of record. Regardless, by dominating or controlling your search results, you
may keep the positive information and delete whatever you might have posted
that can harm your reputation, embarrass you or cause negative effects in your
The next step is to identify
significant changes needed in your image, or other things that may identify you
negatively. Decide to narrow down your social interactions and choose your best
areas already on the web and work on improving them. Don’t spread yourself out
so wide, you can’t control the data or information anymore. This is a good time
to identify places where your preferred target group hangs out as this
maximizes your character and the reputation you want to show online.
Focus on creating that
positive image; create a positive reputation strategy that crafts the image you
want. Decide, what type of content, whether words or graphic, will serve you
best. Keep this strategy going to form a perpetual opinion or image of your
character or reputation. The more you influence these search machines with
positive data, the better you look and get credit for being who you say you
are. Never relent your control to others; don’t give accounts to friends or
family who may post on your behalf or publish something that you would never
approve of if you knew about it.
As you create the
content that will influence your reputation, continue to monitor search results
online. Track your progress and keep tabs on all mentions of your name and key
phrases so that you can quickly respond to anything negative. In order to avoid
the hypocrisy, keep your content consistent and positive as it will act as your
agent to build or preserve your reputation.
Friday, March 4, 2016
The Zest of Water
The Zest of Water
The Lust for Water does not resist temptation
A human’s lust for thirst is never a sin
The feel of water is often soft as it falls out of the sky
As it was never meant to harm you
The strength of water is bound by laws of nature
To give you what you truly desire inside your
Because it is true to nature and all its power
It can shift your moods from rapid thinking to
a chilling slow
Water always returns back to its true form or shape
It is granting your lust for life, and is
endlessly changing
It can find you love, grief or sorrow or joy
For it does not lack the desire to please or
disappoint you
The zest of water brings endless passionate desires
It fulfills an endless life of enrichment to
soothe your soul
Whether you are letting it go, or bringing it close to you
It is always constantly changing by letting it
Water can bring you enrichments of life or cause a sudden death
It does not cling to either without a special
It finds its own level and essence in life as far as we know
By forever and never letting things go without
a reason
So do not cling to water for too long as it may drown you
Even though its ecstasy is eternally giving
Like the sun, the heavens and moon above
It permeates all living things around us light
or night
And when things eventually die, the water
It teaches us reason and purposes under the
stars of heaven
It reasons with us that all things that are born shall die
Yet, when it is all said and done, it is never
really over
Water is here for us, fulfilling our ego
As it fills our body and soul with
vibrations and ripples for living
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Perspective - popular or unpopular?
Perspective – is Being
Unpopular a Bad thing?
anti-establishment or being recognized or tagged as a person who is going against
the flow, has serious consequences especially if you are looking to be socially
acceptable in a politically correct circle. These unkind, brutal and vitriol attacks
are relentlessly hurled to demean your position, ideas or opinions. However,
there must be something legitimate to this kind of assault on your character
that is worth examining.
loathed, hated or despised by others has some backdrafts but it perfectly validates
how people act when you do not agree with them in ideology or agenda making it
more difficult for you to be heard or seen as a credible source to provide further
information. The fact these people work so hard to hate you is an indicator
that there must be something legitimate about you.
reality there is no enigma as to why you would be hated so much. When you are
attacked personally it demonstrates there is a worry or concern attached to
what you have to say. What is important is to judge for yourself whether this
is a good thing or bad thing and adjust accordingly.
ask yourself this question: what is it about my professed and unjustified harangue,
values or criticism that worries them so much? Where is the morality in this conflict and are
your ideas worthy of standing up for or is there room for a compromise? Will a
compromise misalign your own values and morality and is the price paid worth
such a conciliation?
it worth a belligerent fight and defend your ideas as a whole or can you
position align with theirs without losing your core values or do you do what it
takes to advance your own ideas to serve the cause?
it possible for you to remain intellectually positive and contributing to the
cause as long as you don’t surrender your core values and not alter the outcome
of your position? Do you have enough leverage and legitimate tools to persuade against
harmful actions or harmful practices against your cause?
your goal is to be respected, considered smart and informed, serious and
productive, you have to make sure you have the leverage to have your plan or position
heard and considered for action in a meaningful way. Modern-day people,
influenced by social media, corporate greed and selfish motives, are not
willing to compromise on anything.
Good versus Bad people - who suffer the most and why?
Why “Bad People”
make Good People Suffer?
had that feeling why bad people seem to have good things happen to them and the
good, like yourself, appear to be suffering more than others. A difficult
question to answer but I am guessing there are some specific dynamics attached
to such cases. One has to first believe that bad people don’t suffer as much as
good people. In my opinion, that would be hard to prove.
all know when bad things happen, we feel that fate has betrayed us when in
fact, we are trying to do what is good. This often results in a disproportionate
feeling of despair and stress. We tend to feel that the bad persons have been
spared the cruelty we suffer. The first thing we have to do is stop the
comparison. It serves no purpose to bicker or argue about it. We don’t always
have all the facts of the situation to worry about it.
are often so wrapped up in our own torment we never see the other side and this
disconnect hides what we believe is the suffering of self but not others. We should
learn to accept the fact that all people, regardless good or evil, have their
own share of troubles. Since it is natural to feel the need to know that we are
better off than the others, it still doesn’t make it any more sensible to worry
about it.
comparing suffering is senseless or useless as we have to determine what it is
that makes it easier for bad people to cope with adversity or bad things
happening to you or them. Just because you think they don’t suffer, it doesn’t
make life easier as we tend to generalize things to the point we try to cover
all experiences under one umbrella. Thinking bad people have a lack of
conscience is one way to see it, however, that may be untrue in some cases.
my own opinion, even if I perceive someone to be evil that doesn’t mean they
don’t experience or feel emotional pain or the sting of failure like I do. Simply
put, they may choose to remain quiet about it or refuse to discuss it in
public. This brings up attitude and how we handle adversity. Some of us think
they (bad people) have it easier because they don’t suffer the emotional cost
we do. In other words, they downplay the impact or deny it even exists.
may be their strengths to deal with adversity is stronger than yours and gives
others the impression they don’t care and pretend not to be set back or
offended by the negativity and move on with their lives. I know it’s cliché but
even bad people suffer – whether you see or feel it or not, we don’t know the
full impact.
may not wear their emotions on their sleeve and not show grief or suffering. Some
spare an embarrassment if they display what they believe is a weakness in character
and this itself causes misunderstandings. Their reactions may be cold and
unemotional compared to the good person who shows they feel the crushing pain,
tears in their eyes and trembling knees or lips showing a lot of emotion. Who is
to tell, which one is more genuine or sincere? The answer can only be known to
their inner self.
whether we are good or evil, we all share commonalities but choose to show it
differently in public or in life. We all suffer, and we all experience regrets.
We move on in some cases, and we stall in the past on other predicaments. We must
recognize we deal with grief differently. Some show a rather masochistically
behavior and others appear cold and numb showing no anguish or suffering on the
outside. The key root is regret and how you deal with it. If you can accept the
loss or discontent without excessive emotion, the chances of moving on are
greater than those who stall in the past.
that life is not easy. There will be pain and sorrow. There will be dents in
your armor, scars on your skin or inside your head but wear them with knowing
the fact that you had the courage to keep moving and avoid any further
suffering. Life offers you more than you realize if you just get away from self-pity
and find the beauty of living.
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