My Books Available on the web

My Books Available on the web
Author and Retired Deputy Warden

Saturday, January 12, 2013

An excerpt from the new ebook ~ Standing Rogue

Standing rogue is standing rogue with many people around the world and not just in Arizona. Paying close attention to the current events around you and seeing how governments have grown and invaded our personal space and privacy makes me wrestle with the notion that we are becoming a subject to a tyrannical organization one way or another. Losing our individuality and civil rights along the way is not acceptable and should be the order of the day to resist.
I rejoice when I hear the victories of good versus evil and cheer those that made it happen. I am pleased with the fact that we are still living under our Constitution but fear it may diminish in impact and influence by the way government finds ways to circumvent their meanings and intent.
I fear tampering with our Bill of Rights and the First and Second Amendments as they do so much to protect us from evil.  I fear the erosion of our Fourth Amendment to reasonable searches and our Fifth where we must self-incriminate ourselves in the next order of rule of law.
After the shooting of the Newtown Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut there  is much talk about stripping away our guns for the sake of public safety when in fact, the opposite would be true if only criminals carry guns and innocents are left behind to fend for themselves and wait for a police officer to respond to their needs when in fact we know that today, in our society, we can have a pizza delivered in less time than it takes a police officer to come to our aid and protect us from harm.

I fear that ordinary people like you and me are under the influences of evil doers that don’t hesitate to treat and subject vulnerable people to inhumane and violations of our morality and humanity. Torturing people is unacceptable and must be erased from our vocabulary and our underworld practices as well as our social means to end most suffering and treat each other with fairness and kindness every day.

As American we are envisioned to be more humane, more charitable and more compassion that any other country in the world. We must maintain that position and not give into evil.

I am pleased to see the military change their stand on homosexuality and discrimination towards those that have the courage and pride to fight for our country no matter what their sexual orientation is or was. We all knew this kind of behavior in the past was wrong, unjust and illegal from the start and contrary to our values of a free and democratic country.

I am displeased with the immunity and failure for government officials, elected and non-elected individuals to not be punished for failing to obey the fundamental rule of law and the common golden rule of decency towards all. I am stunned at the way operatives serving against our constitution and country’s laws are receiving immunity to proceed with their illegal ways and not investigated or punished for their secret ordering of advising or engaging in conduct such as the Fast and Furious weapons scandal or the manner Jesus Diaz was treated as a pawn for our government’s relationship with Mexico.

I find that LEOAC president Andy Ramirez has been a staunch opponent of this type of injustice and has repeatedly told the truth about government corruption in high places and noting that our border wars are failing both our expectations and the rule of law in this land. I am saddened by the death of border agents dying in the line of duty due to carelessness of our government taking the lives of heroes such as Brian Terry and the manner the agency carries their rule of engagement that gives the outlaws the benefit of doubt in any armed confrontation.
I find the attitude of Eric Holder as our Attorney General appalling and will never accept the justification for his continued disservice to this country while performing conduct that is wrong, unjust, illegal, contrary to our values and therefore inexcusable.
I likewise find the attitude of Governor Brewer and her Chief of Staff a violation of the rule of decency and rule of law related to the detainment of the mentally ill prisoners in the state as failing to obey these fundamental rules of protecting humanity from suffering and extreme harm.

Most of all, I cannot see why the missions of those non-elected officials are not being overseen or regulated by those in control and power to do so without infringing on our civil rights or political aspirations to be elected or re-elected in the near future.

Governor Brewer should and must conduct her own independent investigation of the underworld as it has been revealed and determine is these individuals violated laws intended to protect vulnerable people for this Hell-hole treatment today.

It must be re-iterated that moral leadership must hold those violators morally accountable and responsible for intentional misconduct, including misconduct perpetrated under the pretext of following orders.
Getting back to basic includes looking at those laws that prohibit inhumanity and torture, whether physical or mentally. If Governor Brewer believes that these violators are not wrong in carrying out their injustices then she must face the fact that she is having her own conflict with the rule of decency and the laws that deplore and detest the use of torture and reject inhumanity. This by itself must be resolved at the polling sites where the electorate can be a voice for humanity.

Is it not otherwise a moral right for the state’s chief executive officer to say that we deplore and reject inhumanity and torture?  

Not wishing scandals or other embarrassing moments in her term of control she must not hinder or reject proposals for investigating her nominated and approved director of the prison agency immediately and glean what his respective role is or was to the demise of humanity inside prisons.

If anything Brewer should make an official statement that her expectations of the rule of decency applies to all, free and incarcerated and must carry with it sanctions that are appropriate by law and moral codes established to protect mankind.

If anything, the investigations conducted by an independent non-political source should make official statements about no person being above the law—or beyond the law—credible.

"We grope like the blind along a wall, groping like those who have no eyes; we stumble at noon as in the twilight, among the vigorous as though we were dead. We all growl like bears; like doves we moan mournfully. We wait for justice, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far from us." (Isaiah 59:10-11)

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