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My Books Available on the web
Author and Retired Deputy Warden

Monday, January 28, 2013

Are you an Ambivert and not know it? Read on


Social media has coined a new word that is hitting the business market with a flash of the internet. We are all aware of those personality tests we have taken that interpret the results and determine whether you are an introvert or extrovert in personalities. There is now a third category when assessing your personality and it is called being an ambivert.

First off, in order for you to accept this new concept you must reset your mind and not believe all of those personality assessment tools floating out there at this time. They have not yet calculated those qualities assigned to this new category of ambiverts and may mislead your growth potential greatly.

Either way, if you are a leader or a person in a leadership or mentor position, you have to explore this new category to see if you agree with some of its qualities and apply them to further the growth of those you chose to mentor or help further their career.

Needless to say, this new instrument is not automatically computing this ambivert status as it is much more complex than simply entering the data and believing the results. There is much room for improvements and preciseness when it comes to personality tests or assessments.  Without going into detail, most of us know what an introvert is and what an extravert is. Both add value to the business world and important to remember that the merging of such personalities is essential to good management practices and decision making as well as making meetings productive with input from all and not just a few.

Basically speaking an ambivert is the combination of an extrovert and an introvert and is not necessarily a negative trait to accept or understand. It would behoove good executives to explore these personality qualities and find out if it fits within their own organization and accept the fact that productivity, innovation and technology might advance when you combine talents and skills of those not so conventional and traditional in practice.

So you must ask your first this important question. What can ambiverts do and what do they contribute. First you must understand there will be frequent behavioral fluctuations or degrees within such a personality. Therefore you need to manage their energy and be realistic on how they fit your needs. As a mentor you must also maintain a focus on their strengths and weakness to ensure one does not dominate the other. It’s about balancing behaviors to meet your needs.

You might say this is a combination of personality and moods as you have to decide when to be nice and quiet or loud and willing to step up to express your thoughts. Their intent and their effectiveness is based on how they think and respond under different conditions and will be less confusing if it is practiced in a closed debate to practice timing, changing behaviors and expressing your points that are important to deliver in a manner acceptable to all involved.

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