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Author and Retired Deputy Warden

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Gun Debate or Debacle?

Gun Debate or Debacle?

Gun control people are lining up their sheep to march on Washington DC to protest gun violence and insist on stricter gun controls. Thousands are expected and many will try to influence our federal law makers to change what the Second Amendment has guaranteed us from the beginning of our birth as a free nation. Granted the clause states “a well regulated” phrase that is being interpreted in many various ways to suit individual and partisan needs at a time when our country is so vulnerable to domestic terrorism and internal strife to survive the hell it has become.

It is speculated that this fever of gun control was sparked or initiated by the school massacre at Newton Connecticut but I suspect it goes much deeper than that. It is my opinion that this is a direct assault by those that oppose gun ownership by law abiding citizens and another attempt to strip away those rights given to us in our Second Amendment.

There is no doubt that many politicians will jump on this band wagon to repel the NRA and other pro-gun views with their own interest in mind and not that of our country’s heritage or Bill of Rights. This has become a fight between what is constitutional and what the government wants of its people. To disarm America is to disarm liberty and freedom.

It must be pointed out that the NRA does not speak for me nor does it represent the views I have on this subject. It is with pure intentions that I want to preserve our Constitution as it was written to preserve the ideals our founding fathers brought forth when they created the Bill of Rights.

One might say it’s a debate between liberty and tyranny with an outcome that will impact us all, gun owners and non-gun owners as once the Bill of Rights has been diluted, other rights will fall right behind the Second Amendment and destroy our moral foundation called America.

Yahoo News reports that “The Newtown massacre has galvanized the U.S. debate on guns and spurred President Barack Obama to propose the most significant gun-control steps in decades. It goes on and states in part “Obama wants to revive a ban on military-style assault weapons, a proposal that faces a tough battle in Congress. He also wants to put in place mandatory background checks for all gun buyers.”

This debate will turn into a debacle for two reasons; the first reason is selfish interests of those wishing to remove our hands and ownership from the guns we already own and carry lawfully and the second is to destroy the moral fiber of our constitution that has been attacked numerous times now through litigation and lawmaking by extremists that have no interest in preserving our way of life and liberty.

It is up to every legal gun owner to speak out and contact their federal and state representatives and express their own opinion and stand on the Second Amendment and the right to carry guns without specific legislation restricting or eliminating certain guns from being bought through existing and legal channels today.

If you decide not to take any action and sit back to watch this debacle from the couch, don’t come crying to me about how your constitutional rights were infringed or violated when you wouldn’t lift a finger to protect those rights.

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