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My Books Available on the web
Author and Retired Deputy Warden

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


A most difficult subject to talk about is hypocrisy. People particularly those with authority whether it be moral or political in nature are expected to act in a manner that either fits the office they hold or in accordance with the ideas they represent. Basically it comes down to them practicing what they preach. Elected and non-elected bureaucrats have difficulties meeting this challenge of the public's expectations and those subordinate to them in the workplace.

The truth of the matter is we are all hypocrites but we are hypocrites in different standards for there are those of us that believe what we say is right and good. However that's not the case when you break it down to the facts, the actions, and in the words spoken. Being a hypocrite is not always an intentional behavior as it is influenced by what you say and what you do with the knowledge that you may have at the time of the matter at hand.

Not making excuses for those holding office and responsible for telling the truth some just don't have the moral strength or willpower to consistently live up to their own high moral standards as they gave in to political correctness party influences of their environment. They often justify their situation through either lack of knowledge or by deliberately avoiding discussing the matter or situation as they know it may be wrong for them to comment without knowing both the content and context it is delivered.

Certainly not proof that this is a deliberate attempt to defraud or fool someone's thinking it may in turn backfire exposing them as liars with poor leadership and communication skills. Hypocrites must conduct serious tasks of damage control to their reputation as well as their behavior when they are found out or exposed not to be telling the truth.

So you must ask yourself what I need to do to become a trusted person rather than a mistrusted hypocrite. Perhaps the next few steps will help you develop better habits to become a more trusted person in the future.

The first step to take to become a trusted person is to learn to ignore everyone and act only on your own moral compass. Don't be influenced by your surroundings and manner you behave in this environment. If you want to be sure that your actions are in alignment with your principles you must ignore those around you and remain yourself in character and thoughts.

The second step to take is to avoid casting stones at others. The fastest way to draw criticism is to criticize others and then you have to ask yourself is this the attention you really want. Remember we live in a world where almost any stone can be overturned and that your hands are not as clean as they should be or as you think, therefore in order to reduce hypocrisy you must think without condemning.

The next step requires you keep an open mind as it is tempting to support something that makes sense to you or condemn something that is unfamiliar to you. However identifying context and how it changes the way you think is important. The focus here is to be able to see two nearly identical incidents as something completely different from each other.

In order to avoid being labeled a hypocrite you must listen to your own cognitive ability both from within the conscious and the subconscious. This is commonly known as a “gut feeling” rather than a factual event. A main focus here is to avoid hypocrisy when you have partial knowledge and teach your mind to accept complete and consistent information rather than contradictory information.

It puts often say something and then do something different that is caught almost immediately based on the idiom that actions speak louder than words. In order to avoid being a hypocrite we have to reserve judgment until we actually experienced what we’re about to talk about.

The next step is to practice your own personal integrity to the point where practice becomes almost perfect. Controlling the words you speak any action should take is a must in order to match the behavior and avoid contradictory actions.

Hypocrites make a lot of promises that they can't keep it is certainly the most favorite downfall of any employee that holds a political office or is elected to a political party. The truth is if you make promises you will always be hypocrite unless you have the power to make the promises you make come true.

A common perception has been established through research that the more power a person has over others the more likely they are to abuse it and seeing no problem with their actions. Whether your power is legitimate or implied or in some cases delegated, the power of hypocrisy becomes a reality when you see yourself as deserving that power over others making you better than your subordinates. In order to avoid hypocrisy one must remain humble and treat everything with the fairness as well as with an open mind. This is what it sometimes takes to resolve the issues brought to you.

Strangely enough most hypocrites are more likely to accept advice or other direction from other hypocrites. Trusting your friends to tell you the truth or give you factual information is a big mistake made by those that hold positions of trust. When we trust our friends to make a decision for us we give away for our own ability to reason, to think independently, and maintain common sense and logic in a rational manner that are your own rather than someone else's.

No human being can avoid being a hypocrite at all times. It is human nature to be spontaneous and to rely on others as well as yourself to speak the truth hoping you have all the facts at hand to make you a credible person as well as a trusted one. Since it is likely that there are no universal truths and that everything changes your values and integrity should always remain under scrutiny of yourself to avoid embarrassment humiliation and just plain being wrong when you answer a question or deal with the problem. Being well informed helps tremendously under most circumstances.

The bottom line is when you assume a position of responsibility and accountability there are many risks to go along with that challenge to represent your office or yourself to the best of your ability. Taking risks is part of life but calculating risk is a better way of resolving the issues before you.

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