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My Books Available on the web
Author and Retired Deputy Warden

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Watching you outside the circle



I sit here quietly watching the unmagic unfold as you sink in life like quicksand in the dry and forsaken desert. No words can describe the jobs you undertake each day while working in the darkness of evil and shadowy figures. I watch as it drags you down morally and ethically while you struggle to survive and keep your head above water. One year after another, you remain in the darkened pit called a man made hell-hole by others that have been there of what seems like forever but refuse to talk about it when you come home.

This was written for those courageous and willing to face the devil in his own little pocket of life and where evil triumphs over good almost every minute of the day. The darkness seems to always find a way to bring out the seductive and secret nature of the beasts inside and addictively brings souls back to be tortured or handed defeat at the hands of old man time and destiny. Slowly as I sit here outside the circle I can view your efforts with the affects of the unmagic focus on individual pains and sorrow surrounded by gloom and obscurity often unsaid and unwritten on the walls of silence.

Each day I watch these eyes tell a different kind of story. Each day I sit, I hold a different view from the circle’s ring of fire that separates the insane from the insanity that keeps the view together like glue carefully put on the binding forces of a book describing madness. Each scene is speaking to me in foreign tongues as it appears different from moment to moment in a different shade of light and darkness.

Each person I see looks different yet the same as they are colored with brown and orange shades of life. Each one has a different character yet the all seem to look the same withholding the colors of their shapes and clothing. I suspect there was a time when both were clothed the same and shaped in similar colors but as I tell this story, it could never again be the same but rather an erosion of character and favor. In sadness I see them as before as they are now nothing like anyone else of you. Time has taken your youth and beauty and the hearts and minds appear to be soiled.

Was it me or was it reality that made me sit here and watch from outside the circle where there is no laughter or light and families are so far away. As I sit here outside the circle there is a dog asleep and keeping me company so that I can stay warm and awake and listen to the whispers outside the circle that never sees the sun as it rises and the moon as it falls. Inside this circle of madness there is work to be done. There are no birds of freedom as the sky is filled with stars unreachable yet so close you can almost touch them in your mind.

Sliding over a little bit to sit a little higher I perch myself on the corner of insanity to see what is being eaten and consumed by the darkness without the light. In the end they seemed to give it their all. All and just a little bit more until all of them are consumed by the emptiness of light. A feeling lingering like the quicksand in life that is there but sometimes makes you unaware of its presence as it steals your heart, your kindness and compassion.

So to the devil’s delight and those that follow him you stumble in the eyes of God in the middle of the night. No longer do you feel the pain as it has parted your heart as the quicksand parts and swallows you whole as you desperately reach out to grab someone to hold onto as while slowly descending into the chasms of evil that will never ever let you go.



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