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My Books Available on the web
Author and Retired Deputy Warden

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fearless Killers


A killer must be fearless in order to be a murderer of people. I am of opinion that some may have even practiced on animals to begin the urge to kill. A murderer must be without a soul and have an empty heart to feel no remorse or pain for the victims they slaughter as they act out their urges and desires to keep their evilness alive inside their minds and soulless hearts.

An act that shows they do not because of a void of emotion and compassion inside them that would or could control their cravings and keep them from being the cruel and heartless souls they are.

Comparing an animal that kills for survival and a human that kills for the desire is a dreadful healers and benefactors of mankind. The comparison is flawed as their purposes differ but unfortunately their style of execution is often the same. Fearlessly they slay their prey with a swift strike that cuts flesh to ribbons or a fatal blow or injection of a lethal venom that kills the heart and stops the breathing.

Some men and women have evolved in silent killers. Becoming more skilled with practice, they become natural born hunters [killers] that seek out their prey for the thrill of the hunt. One can fall to one of these without knowledge as there are no rules of engagement to follow and anyone is game.

Their style is quick and they often leave enough evidence behind to give the kill a trademark of some sort. Not necessarily serial killers in that sense, they are nonetheless lethal and carry out their task with a keen intuitive instinct. Some it seems, want to be caught and tell their story to make their self-importance the media event of the day and satisfy their narcissistic and personal pleasures.

What makes them so dangerous is that they go through life refusing to accept the reality who they are and what they do. Sadly disturbing is the fact that they can kill anyone that includes a complete stranger or a close family member. They show no remorse in the kill and remain unwilling to accepting the consequences of what they have done.

They allow their malignant narcissist personality to take control of every situation and stalk every target or prey with the persistence of a predatory animal on the hunt. It seems they seek the thrill and rush of seeing their prey on the run, living in fear or just panicking while dealing with the threats.

Some fearless killers do more than kill before they slay their prey. They work on creating a sense of fear that defies the laws of nature and inflict chaos in the victim’s life that can cause stress and anxiety, financial ruin, job loss while engaging in passive aggressive behaviors that resemble blackmail, slander, harassment and stalking or hiding out to find their prey at a most vulnerable moment before they strike and kill them in a most malevolent manner.

Predatory and mean, spiteful and malicious and doing so without a real motive, they methodically and systematically go about ruining their target’s life by breaking down their comfort zone and taking away any safety that might have existed.

They are so persistent and malevolent they sometimes cause their victim to offer themselves up for the abuse or slaughter in other to take away the fear, the anger and the dealing with the “fight or flight” mode that has been created by the killer’s mannerism, skillful stalking and effective badgering. However, in all such instances, the fearless killer takes the opportunity to kill its victim and goes about their way to find another target and start the process all over again.

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