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My Books Available on the web
Author and Retired Deputy Warden

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Letter to the Arizona Republic Editor ~

This letter is most vital to all; the state and individuals employed by the state as correctional officers. Yes, although intense, it is a matter of life or death; a road to safety or a journey of harm. Either way, it is a subject of most urgent attention and cannot be neglected any longer.

We expect the Arizona Department of Corrections to be governed by rule of law and moral standards. We seek safety for all that work there and hold those in command responsible for such conditions. Today, the rule of law and those applicable moral standards are not in accord with public safety expectations or employee protection.

They are neglected by superiors and governed inadequately to control the milieu regardless of the threat to safety or lives. The administration lacks the wisdom, the sincerity and the courage to make changes to protect staff. They are in damage control that consists of distorted press releases while imposing extreme strictness and discipline of staff rather than those that commit the violence and crime within the prison setting.

The administration has to commit to a specific operational plan to reign in gang behaviors and assertively step up efforts to interdict the efforts of introducing dangerous contraband (specifically cell phones and weapons and drugs).

These have been successful because of administrative slackness in staffing such security operations.  In deliberating these conditions, you will find a better prison environment and safer working condition in comparison to the present time.

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