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My Books Available on the web
Author and Retired Deputy Warden

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Is the Effort worth the Prize?


Since my retirement in 2010, I have been reading more books and more blogs than ever before trying to figure out whether achieving your goal is worth the effort needed to bring success to your own dreams coming true. Ever since the beginning, we have been told to keep our” eyes on the prize” and focused all our energies, efforts and persistence guide us towards that journey.

Chronicling the truth in this concept of believing in your dreams brings up some very interesting facts in your journey to success. Writing and documenting my research on personal development, character building and techniques in gaining characteristics that reflect honor, integrity and good moral turpitude, it has been a long exhausting trek to find a conclusive ending to this question, “is the effort worth the prize?”

It is likely my answers are not very clear or presented in any logical or rational fashion that is acceptable to be the truth or even a matter of fact for many who struggle with the same question. In fact, I would not ever hesitate to call it a conclusion as is purely based on my emotional intelligence as well as my emotional energy as it presented itself to me while under some kind of duress or distress to keep it as objective as it could be without tainting it too much with my own subjectivity on the matter.

Let me elaborate. Answering this question is purely speculative and based on my own individual argument that the effort is worth the prize. As it is seen by reflection of my life and experiences, it makes sense to me how I attained my own successes while discovering or gleaning my actual sacrifices or pain attained along the way. Giving some credit to divine intervention, I gathered the fact that in most cases of my success, I was in charge of myself and somehow made a negative event a positive gain in my life.

It’s very much like asking the question, “is there a God?” and then trying to understand the question as thoroughly as you can. Even though you feel one way about the question, there are some things that makes you see or realize how other things may cast doubt on your beliefs and those around you who influence you in many ways. What is strange about these kind of self-evaluations or questions asked of yourself, it seems to be another layer of stress, anxiety and complexity you put on yourself as you search for the answers of life.

Searching for the truth often requires you to step out of the box or in this case, your comfort zone that is dictated by your social and religious foundations. How much are you willing to drift from the box to find the answer? The farther you travel, the closer you are to learning more important things about yourself, your world and your character.

Risky to say the least, it takes both physical and mental preparation to take such a journey. There will be moments of irony as well as instants of oxymoron situations and other remarkable contradictive situations you must handle in order to go forward in your research. How much freedom you lose or gain will depend on the path you take.

Lastly, during such a journey you will find yourself in compromising or challenging positions that considered to be in-between locations as you search for the truth. Now you must ask yourself, is the effort worth the prize and decide to settle for less or keep on going. It repeats itself over and over until you reach your dream or your goal. Regardless, this is a very up close and personal event and nobody can help you decide which way to go, or when to stop and be satisfied where you are at.



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