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My Books Available on the web
Author and Retired Deputy Warden

Thursday, August 13, 2015

A basic understanding of a simulacra or simulation of the truth

A basic understanding of a simulacra or simulation of the truth

In an attempt to seek the relationship between reality and symbols in our society, we have to understand what simulacra is and how it works as a means to simulate or copy the reality and transforms into a truth when in fact, it has no truth but rather conceals the truth. The only reality is this act of simulacra or simulating what was never original to begin with and is a mere imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system.
Basically, if you don’t attempt to seek the truth, you will chase these simulacra or a simulation that basically leads you on a wild goose chase as you will never find the truth you are looking for. Symbols are easily created by creative minds. It’s a means to demonstrate, illustrate or show something the illusionist wants you to see and accept. Charts are symbols or figures of identity and can be easily created without any reality of substance attached to them. One has to be cautious when viewing and interpreting a chart or symbol of any kind and ask, where did it come from and how was it created.
For the purpose of human experience, simulations of reality are deceptive tools for those who want to hoodwink or lull you into a stage of contentment of satisfaction. They are simply used to hide the reality and conceal the truth. The basis or backgrounds for such illusions are culture and media. If you can explain the culture and manipulate the media, you have the ability to acquire a simulacra which constructs a meaning with no real basis but offers a make believe solution to a proposed problem.
Most political reports are saturated with such simulacra and merely cast shadows on the truth. It is the saturation of these simulacra that projects the meaningless meaning but serve the purposes to fool the reader into believing whatever is read or printed before them. Other examples are photographs that are Photoshopped, and illusions of realities type of movies such as the Matrix that create dimensional existences of substances involving time and space.
There are four stages to simulacra or simulation:
The first stage is the faithful saturation of an image, or a copy of an image we believe may be a reflection of the profound reality.
The second stage is the perversion of reality where we become to believe this copy is an unfaithful copy of the reality but through saturation is made into a believable copy rather than a false reality.
The third stage is the absence of a profound reality, where the perverted image or simulacrum pretends to be the faithful copy but is in fact, not an copy of the original symbol or sign.
The fourth stage is pure simulation, in which the simulacra has no relationship to any reality whatsoever and is merely a reflected sign or claim to reality on the part of the images or symbols presented in the order of such claims.
The transition from signs which dissimulate something to signs which dissimulate that there is nothing, marks the decisive turning point.

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