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My Books Available on the web
Author and Retired Deputy Warden

Friday, March 29, 2013

Procrastinating& Changing Yourself

 Life is full of challenges. Some are faced daily and require decision making moments either spontaneously or with deliberate thinking. If you have been experiencing trouble making up your mind about things, there are some bad habits to overcome and make you a better decision maker by starting to make better and more positive changes to your lifestyle and in your life.

A person's promise to change can benefit many including you. If you like to make a change and believe you can't do it, then there are barriers in the way of progress that only you can remove with strategies and personal development skills that will allow you to deal with these matters rather than dodging them. Remember the reality is when you procrastinate; you deliberately delay or prolong the inevitable. Many times, deferring a problem or dealing with issues is not a viable option and needs direct intervention or decision making in a sound and timely manner.

In order to change you have to bring up your awareness to this impulse to delay or prolong decisions. You have to be aware that action is required and adjust your thinking for the right accommodation to be made, accept responsibility for that act and prepare yourself for the actualization that I can or will happen. Increasing your awareness will allow you to know what is going on around you and how you adjust yourself through assertiveness and sometimes aggressiveness in your position depending on the circumstances.

You must not fear rejection or even embarrassment for voicing your opinion, your strategies or your position on matters of importance or non-importance depending on your priorities in life. Focusing on what your goal is and what your desired outcome of accomplishment is very important in this step that puts you right there to resolve this inner conflict of changing your thinking and behavior.

Actualization and taking action requires the use of your cognitive skills that include your emotions, your skills, knowledge and behavioral habits. Making a self-assessment of your cognitive actions can help ending procrastination. Determining your own priorities or in some cases, organizational priorities can help you decide how and when to resolve the problem. It comes down to whether you want to make changes or not as well as when to execute your decision delaying those not considered a priority at the time. This must be fluid as things can change your priorities quickly. Pulling yourself together and making the accommodations to be successful is necessary for a positive change to occur.

Resolving paradoxes and inconsistencies is the key to this process of change. You must take responsibility for these changes and be resilient in mannerism as this builds consistencies and confidence in the manner you make your decision from this point on without procrastination being you enemy in the process of being a positive thinker.



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