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My Books Available on the web
Author and Retired Deputy Warden

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Brown Nosing- it’s an art

Let’s face it. We all know someone who was born to kiss somebody’s ass. I mean, from the early stages in life, we learn how to adapt and overcome the art of getting your way but some just do it better than others. Born to kiss ass people are called brown nosers. Now before we get downright ugly we must say that this demonstrated skill is an art and should not be taken lightly
There are rules to become a gifted brown noser. These rules are flexible to be used for men or women but regardless, in the end it doesn’t matter whose ass you kiss as long as it gets you what you want. Ass kissers like to take control of matters so they can control their own destiny thus you can say ass kissers are
They have a lot of tact but use it to benefit themselves and not others. They have diplomatic skills but use them to attain what they seek and judge to be important to them. Yes, when it is all said and done, a kiss ass is a brown nosing asshole. They know how to play the game.
Brown nosers are very confident in what they do. They have seen it work many times over and abuse their gift to kiss ass often. They like to take control of a situation so they may end up doing less work then the others. They know how to delegate and pass it on. Basically there are two kind; the leader and the follower. Basically what you have are people playing a game called follow the leader.
Brown nosers can’t be trusted. They are not good friends and therefore, I recommend you stay away from them as they will kiss anybody’s ass, even your own enemies. Some brown nosers are bullies but normally they refer to kiss ass rather than kick someone ass.
Since they can’t be trusted they always have a motive. Motive can be self-gain or profit. It could be a promotion or a position of trust. No matter what motive they have, they are easy to spot and usually the ones with the fakes smiles on their faces.

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