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Author and Retired Deputy Warden

Friday, September 26, 2014

Why Trolls Attack You

For a while now, trolls have been at the helm of many powerful positions. In fact, trolls rule the world right now and likely to do so for the next ten more years. Why are trolls so powerful and influential in the business world you have to ask? How can someone who slings mud, insults endlessly and incites disorder with snipe and rude comments be so powerful?
The answer is simply put: they have a polarizing effect on their subordinates, their constituents and their audiences. There is no scientific explanation for this except they get by with being simpletons and ignorant persons and are accepted for being such trolls.
It would seem to be a negative condemnation of the title troll and you imagine there are levels of humiliation and embarrassment attached to such a title but there are none to be sought or found. They are actually acceptable personalities in today’s business world and politically correct society pages. It is acceptable today to display or demonstrate the willingness to manipulate and deceive others. It is no longer taboo or cultural verboten type of conduct.
Trolls are highly egotistic and self-centered but most of all, trolls possess some kind of unexplained psychopathy that reveals a lack of remorse and empathy for others. To make matters worse, trolls are classified sadists and enjoy the suffering of others. Engaged and joining other trolls, they are out to rule the world and making progress doing it.
So what tools do trolls use in their manipulative game of the human mind? The first tool that comes to mind is the internet. Trolls are intellectually clever and not dumb so they are keen to the technology that gives them the gift to control an environment. The secondary tools for trolls are videos, photographs, cartoons and other graphic sensations. They make something beautiful ugly or corrupt the significances behind the beauty.
Trolls enjoy hurting people the most. The more the better and do it in a variety of ways. They invade the privacy of others and find the means to humiliate them, exposing their weakness and often try to draw out sensitive personal information which may be used against them. Trolls enjoy trolling and the more they do it, the more of a rush they get from it. If they find grieve on the profile, they will exploit it to bring more sorrow or pain but have no remorse in doing so.
People empower trolls daily. They do this either passively or with aggression in their actions. Remember that trolls are sadists so this relationship has to be broken in order to reduce the inflicted pain by trolls. Some say they just want to have fun but the real reason is to destroy or corrupt someone or something whether it’s an ideology or a dream.
The way to fight a troll is to restore what is considered a socially-desired behavior or manner. Limiting trolls and their harmful conduct can be accomplished if you take away the fun they are having while engaged in such conduct. Never feed into their comments or behaviors.
Neglect or refuse to accept their deeds as acceptable and keep it on a logical level reinforcing your own values rather than stooping down to theirs.  Keep your manners on the high road and let them run out of their trollish mood by taking away their rush by not engaging into a skirmish of words, argument or debate about the right or wrong of the things being said.
Remain calm and don’t get upset for the sake of controlling the environment. Re-examine their values and try to understand where they are coming from and rationalize why that can’t be practical or even socially acceptable. Remember they have deep-seated psychological senses bordered on manipulation, sadism, fear, and panic. Those are the basic components of their behaviors to resist and be aware of at all times.
Let your conscious awareness guide your values. Do not negotiate with a troll. You are compromising your values when you do this. Do not judge a troll and try to reason why this troll is attacking you. Are they criticizing your intelligence, your body, fashion or political views? What is it they are focusing on and if you grasp their strategy to attack your viewpoint or position, you will know how to counter their corruptive ways with solid truthful reflections or knowledge.
Most people are good people. Trolls are lost people. They have wandered off the road of happiness and self-satisfaction. They want revenge and they take it out on you if you are the nearest of closest to them. No other reason is warranted. Opportunity, ability and proximity play as the basic requirements for them to attack you. Motive and methodology may be determined once they triggered your anger to argue with them so stay calm.
Know your values and choose your words carefully. The best way to ignore or criticism is to remain calm and re-state your own values with passion and truth. Don’t act like you are threatened. Trolls can smell fear and blood. Your own confidence will protect you as long as you follow your conscience. At times they will attack who you are rather than who they are. There is a lost translation when the troll longs to be someone like you and you possess qualities they want for themselves.
In other words, we are who we are but what we think, believe and do threatens trolls  and causes them to argue with you to take away your values and make them equal to theirs. In order to relate to trolls you have to listen to what they are saying and think about what kind of person they really are and what they appear to want in their lives.
Sometimes, trolls do things to hurt others because of jealousy, envy, lust or greed and don’t know how to handle the fact you are who you are for reals and they are the fakes. Trolls attack your identity, values, principles because they either don’t want to accept them or they are not of the same caliber of a person to attain for themselves.
So the next time a troll attacks you remember stay calm. Identify or analyze the motive or reasoning for the attack.  Remember, if a troll goes out of their way to attack you, then they perceive you to be a very special person who possesses or someone or a condition which perhaps you accomplished in your life and that may have denied themselves otherwise identifying them as a failure. That is a harsh reality to live with and seems to justify their behaviors today. 

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